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Imposes a restriction on the source code used to solve the challenge, for example, having no numbers in the source code.

1 vote

Determine if a number is divisible by 13 (without using 13 itself)

Python 2: 33 * 0.9 = 29.7 points print['yes','no'][input()*2%26>0] n*2%26 is equivalent to n%13. input()*2%26 will give a number from 0 to 12, and only numbers with 0 should print yes. To solve that, …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
1 vote

yes is 91 lines long

Apparently this isn't totally portable. My sys.version is 2.7.9 (default, Dec 11 2014, 04:42:00) \n[GCC 4.9.2], so if yours is different this might not work I guess. Python 2 - (76-10)=66 import s …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
22 votes

yes is 91 lines long

Brainfuck - 38 bytes ++++++++++[>++++++++++++>+<<-]>+[.>.<] It doesn't use 10 or 121, because +-<>.,[] are all the meaningful characters in the language anyway, but it does calculate them pretty na …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
-1 votes

Hash collision: "NO" means "YES"

Here's a super lame one. SO LAME IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK Python 2.7 - 79 bytes def h(s):n=sum(100**i*ord(c)for i,c in enumerate(s));return (n-7978)*(n-836989) First we get the sum of (each character' …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
2 votes

Check if a UUID is valid without using regexes

Python 2, 99 112 bytes def f(u): try:u=u.split()[0];int(u.replace('-',''),16);print[8,4,4,4,12]==map(len,u.split('-')) except:print 0 On a valid input, it prints True. On an invalid input it pr …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
0 votes

Implement an integer parser

Python 2.7 - 102 bytes def p(n): a,r,l=0,range(10),list(n);d=dict(zip(map(str,r),r)) while l:a*=10;a+=d[l.pop(0)] return a I believe this is valid, but I'm not 100% sure about rule 3. Creates a …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
5 votes

Significant Whitespace

Python, 228 198 182 166 146 145 bytes Counter (72 bytes): ior1=0 w=lambda i:i.split()if ior1 else sum(ord(c)in(9,10,32)for c in i) Splitter (73 bytes): ior1=0 w=lambda i:i.split()if i or 1else s …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar