Posted from [here]( This challenge is highly "distilled" from [this]( question. Special thanks to @Akababa! In this task, you should insert an exclamation mark at the start of the string and after every character. ## Rules * There will always be a non-empty-string input. The input will not contain tabs either. You can assume that the input only contain non-extended ASCII printable characters and newlines. * This is a [tag:code-golf] contest; the shortest answer should win. ## Examples * 4 newlines result in 5 newline-delimited exclamation marks. It is very hard to put this as a Markdown text, so this is stated instead. <pre> 1 2 3 4 5 6 129591 129012 129127 129582 0 </pre> Outputs <pre> !1! !2! !3! !4! !5! !6! !1!2!9!5!9!1! !1!2!9!0!1!2! !1!2!9!1!2!7! !1!2!9!5!8!2! ! !0! </pre> <pre> asd afjoK ak:e kPrLd fOJOE; KFO KFkepjgop sgpaoj faj </pre> Outputs <pre> !a!s!d! !a!f!j!o!K! !a!k!:!e! !k!P!r!L!d! ! ! ! ! !f!O!J!O!E!;! ! ! ! ! !K!F!O! !K!F!k!e!p!j!g!o!p! !s!g!p!a!o!j! ! ! !f!a!j! </pre> A base test case with only one character: <pre> a </pre> Outputs <pre> !a! </pre> (Auto-completion! Just kidding, there is no such thing.) Contains exclamation marks: <pre> !! !! !! !! !! </pre> Outputs: <pre> !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! </pre>