# [GolfScript](http://golfscript.com), <s>46 bytes</s> 36 bytes


Significant improvement from my previous algorithm. Enough so that I'm willing to actually explain it.

1/                                     #Split the string into an array of chars
  {"_"=!},                             #Replace the prev array with one without underscores
          'P'%~                        #Split the array at the piper
               -1%                     #Reverse the second array (right side)
                                       #This has the function of making all correct mice
                                       #face the same way, which makes for easier matching
                  +                    #Concatenate
                   2/                  #Split the array into groups of two
                                       #so we only an array of mouse-strings!
                     .                 #Duplicate our array, since we have to count twice
                      {"~o"=},,        #First count all valid mice
                               .       #Duplicate that count
                                @,     #Bring back that second array and count the mice
                                  \-   #Subtract (correct mice) from (all mice)
                                       #which only leaves (correct mice) then (wrong mice)