# [Python 3], <strike>114</strike> 110 bytes

*Saved 4 extra bytes thanks to @ElPedro*

<!-- language-all: lang-python -->

    i=0;exec(";".join("i+=1 i-=1 i*=2 i/=2 print(i) exit()".split()["idmhPe".find(h[0])]for h in input().split()))

[Try it online!][TIO-jghx4za4]

Maps the first character of every input word to a piece of Python code. These are then concatenated and `exec`ed.

Pretty straightforward approach, that could probably be golfed a bit more. The difficulty mostly resides in finding the shortest form out of many possible ones...

[Python 3]: https://docs.python.org/3/
[TIO-jghx4za4]: https://tio.run/##NY1BCsIwFESv8vmrRDFWXZbcofvSVZKSEf0JaYR6@poKhZlhFo@Z/K0xyWPbYLs@rMEp7tk8E0QxzvZGuOxxsnfCtUUukKqgKayoSrNZ8msvI8O/4xDYzBCv4thNeppToUiQpvxp0AFr3f7E0WEfHA0F/80f "Python 3 – Try It Online"