We all know of, or at least have heard of, **[brainfuck](http://esolangs.org/wiki/brainfuck)**, one of the most famous and influential esoteric languages. While these days most implementations use an infinite tape, the original compiler by Urban Müller had a tape of 30000 cells. A little known fact* is that there is actually a special value at the end of the tape, something that is almost never interacted with in a typical brainfuck program. While you could print this value with 29999 `>`s and a `.`, brainfuck is known for its short and concise solutions, so your aim is to print this value with the minimum number of characters. <sup>*fiction</sup> ###Rules: * A refresher on the brainfuck instructions: * `+`/`-`: Increment/decrement the current cell, wrapping from 255 to 0 when 255 is incremented and vice-versa * `<`/`>`: Move the pointer left/right on the tape * `.`: Print the value of the current cell. * `[`: Jump to the corresponding `]` if the value at the cell is 0 * `]`: Jump to the corresponding `[` if the value at the cell is not 0 * In this case `,` (Get input) does nothing, as the original compiler leaves the cell unchanged on EOF, and this program should receive no input. * The tape is initially filled with all 0s, except for cell 30000, which contains an unknown value * The pointer starts at cell 1 and should end on cell 30000, having printed it. * Cells to the left of 1 and to the right of 30000 have undefined behaviour, so solutions should **not** visit these cells. * Note that the value at 30000 <s>is</s> may be a 0, so simply looping until you hit a non-zero cell will not work. * You should print *only* the value at cell 30000 * The shortest solution wins! * Tie-breaker is the more efficient program (executes in the least steps), followed by the fastest submission time. **Tip:** Esolanging Fruit suggests using https://copy.sh/brainfuck to test your code. The specs are as described in this challenge, and you can select the `abort` option so your program halts if it goes out of bounds.