# [Jelly], 27 [bytes] ṣ”=V€ḟ0 Œr”=e$ÐfṪ€ż⁸Ǥ÷/€S> **[Try it online!]** Note: assumes that the regex given in the question should be such that a speed limit cannot be `0.0`, `0.00`, etc. - just like it cannot be `0` ###How? ṣ”=V€ḟ0 - Link 1, speed limits: road e.g. "4.0===22==" ṣ”= - split by "=" [['4','.','0'],[],[],['2','2'],[],[]] V€ - evaluate €ach as Jelly code [4.0,0,0,22,0,0] ḟ0 - filter discard zero [4.0,22] Œr”=e$ÐfṪ€ż⁸Ǥ÷/€S> - Main link: road, time e.g. "4.0===22==", 0.84 Œr - run-length encode [['4',1],['.',1],['0',1],['=',3],['2',2],['=',2]] Ðf - filter keep: $ - last two links as a monad: ”= - "=" e - is an element of? [['=',3],['=',2]] Ṫ€ - tail €ach [3,2] ¤ - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad: ⁸ - left argument (road) Ç - last link (1) as a monad [4.0,22] ż - zip [[3,4.0],[2,22]] ÷/€ - reduce €ach by division [0.75, 0.09090909090909091] S - sum 0.8409090909090909 > - greater than time? 1 (would be 0 if maybe not speeding) [Jelly]: https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly [bytes]: https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page [Try it online!]: https://tio.run/nexus/jelly#@/9w5@JHDXNtwx41rXm4Y74B19FJRSB@qsrhCWkPd64CCh/d86hxx@H2Q0sOb9cHcoPt/v//b6xnYAsHRiA2UMgEAA "Jelly – TIO Nexus"