Python 2.x (<s>197</s> 212), Python 3.x (<s>182</s> 200)
Related question, related answer. Gives the answer and an error if there is one, else prints "NO SOLUTION".

Python 2.x Version:

    from itertools import *
    for i in product('123456789',repeat=b):
     if eval(''.join(sum(zip([j+'.'for j in i],a),()))[:3*b-1])==int(a[-1]):print' '.join(i);c=0
    print"NO SOLUTION"*c

Python 3.x Version:
I don't run Python 3.x, so this may give errors.

    from itertools import *
    for i in product('123456789',repeat=b):
     if eval(''.join(sum(zip(i,a),()))[:3*b-1])==int(a[-1]):print(' '.join(i));c=0
    print("NO SOLUTION"*c)