## CJam (58 chars)


[Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=qi%3AQ2*%2CWa*e!%7BWa%2F%7B_W%25e%3C%7D%25%24%7D%25_%26%7B%7B%2C1%3E%7D%2C2few%3A~%7B%3A-z\(Q\(%25%7D%250-!%7D%2C%2C&input=2). It will run online for `n=2` without problems and for `n=3` with a bit of patience. For `n=1` it crashes, but since OP has chosen to exclude that case from the requirements it's not a fundamental problem.

### Dissection

    qi:Q          e# Take input from stdin, parse to int, store in Q
    2*,Wa*e!      e# Take all permutations of (0, -1, 1, -1, 2, -1, ..., -1, 2*Q-1)
    {             e# Map to canonical form...
      Wa/         e#   Split around the -1s
      {_W%e<}%    e#   Reverse paths where necessary to get a canonical form
      $           e#   Sort paths
    _&            e# Filter to distinct path sets
    {             e# Filter to path sets with valid paths:
      {,1>},      e#   Ignore paths with fewer than two elements (can't be invalid; break 2ew)
      2few:~      e#   Break paths into their edges
      {:-z(Q(%}%  e#   The difference between the endpoints of an edge should be +/-1 or Q (mod 2Q)
                  e#   So their absolute values should be 1, Q, 2Q-1.
                  e#   d => (abs(d)-1) % (Q-1) maps those differences, and no other possible ones, to 0
                  e#   NB {:-zQ(%}% to map them all to 1 would save a byte, but wouldn't work for Q=2
      0-!         e#   Test that all values obtained are 0
    ,             e# Count the filtered distinct path sets


A more efficient version takes 98 bytes:


[Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=qi2*%3AQ%7Ba%7B__0%3D%5B1Q2%2FQ\(%5Df%2BQf%25_%261%24-%5Cf%7B%2BE%7D~%7D%3AE~%7D%2F%5D%7B_W%25%3E!%7D%2C%3AMW%3D0%7B_%7BM%5Cf%7B__3%24_%40%26%40%3Ae%3C%40%7C%5E%7B%3D%7D%7B%5Ej%7D%3F%7D1b%7D%7B%2C\)%7D%3F%7Dj&input=5)

This builds the possible paths by depth-first search, then uses a memoised function which counts the possible restricted forests for a given set of vertices. The function works recursively on the basis that any restricted forest for a given non-empty set of vertices consists of a path containing the smallest vertex and a restricted forest covering the vertices not in that path.