[Powershell][1] (5.1), <strike>20</strike> 48* Bytes:

I setup my variables like this (which may not be correct):

     $a = (7,13,9,2,10,2,4,10,7,13,4,9)

I then add that variable to:

    $a |group|%{$m=@{}}{$m[$_.Name]=($_.Count)-eq2}{$m}

This outputs the "Name" and "True" or "False" 
(could also use the animals names & it would work)

 - group - Groups the items
 - % - Abbreviation for For-Each
 - $m=@{} - Assigns the new variable 
 - $_.Count-eq2 - Item count that equals 2
 - $y - List each item with True or False (if it equals 2)

Results are similar to this:


*Note: This answer has been edited as I bungled things <strike>the first</strike> multiple time<em>s</em>...

  [1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/overview?view=powershell-6
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/qc38d.png