#Z80 Machine Code, <s>8</s> 6 bytes*

`I<ww>I` * Assumes certain conditions by entering from Amstrad BASIC

    I   LD C, C       ## Loads C with itself. Shortest safe instruction that does nothing!
    <   INC A         // A=A+1
    w   LD (HL), A    // Saves A to the memory location in HL

    w   LD (HL), A    // Saves A to the memory location in HL
    >I  LD A, #49     ## Loads A with #49 just before finishing!

This version is slightly cheating by assuming certain entry conditions, namely entering from BASIC guarantees that `A` is always 0. The location of `(HL)` is not guaranteed to be safe, and in fact, is probably a dangerous location. The below code is much more robust which is why it's so much longer.

#Z80 Machine Code, 30 bytes


Basically, the first half guarantees creation of a zero value and the second half increments it and writes it to memory. In the expanded version below `##` denotes code that serves no purpose in its half of the mirror.

    o   LD L, A       ## 
    !.w LD HL, #772E  // Load specific address to not corrupt random memory!
    w   LD (HL), A    ## Save random contents of A to memory
    .!  LD L, #21     ## 
    >A  LD A, #41     // A=#41
    =   DEC A         // A=#40
    o   LD L, A       // L=#40
    >{  LD A, #7B     ## 
    )   ADD HL, HL    // HL=#EE80
    )   ADD HL, HL    // HL=#DD00. L=#00 at this point
    ((  JR Z, #28     ## 
    }   LD A, L       // A=L
    <   INC A         // A=L+1
    o   LD L, A       // L=L+1
    =   DEC A         // A=L
    A   LD B, C       ## 
    <   INC A         // A=L+1
    !.w LD HL, #772E  // Load address back into HL
    w   LD (HL), A    // Save contents of A to memory
    .!  LD L, #21     ## 
    o   LD L, A       // L=A

Breakdown of allowed instructions:

    n   op    description
    --  ----  -----------
    28  LD    LoaD 8-bit or 16-bit register
    3   DEC   DECrement 8-bit or 16-bit register
    1   INC   INCrement 8-bit or 16-bit register
    1   ADD   ADD 8-bit or 16-bit register

    Available but useless instructions:
    3   JR    Jump Relative to signed 8-bit offset
    1   DAA   Decimal Adjust Accumulator (treats the A register as two decimal digits
              instead of two hexadecimal digits and adjusts it if necessary)
    1   CPL   1s ComPLement A
    1   HALT  HALT the CPU until an interrupt is received

Out of the 39 instructions allowed, 28 are load operations (the block from 0x40 to 0x7F are all single byte `LD` instructions), most of which are of no help here! The only load to memory instruction still allowed is `LD (HL), A` which means I have to store the value in `A`. Since `A` is the only register left with an allowed `INC` instruction this is actually quite handy!

I can't load `A` with 0x00 to start with because ASCII 0x00 is not an allowed character! All the available values are far from 0 and all mathematical and logical instructions have been disallowed! Except... I can still do `ADD HL, HL`, add 16-bit `HL` to itself! Apart from directly loading values (no use here!), INCrementing `A` and DECrementing `A`, `L` or `HL` this is the only way I have of changing the value of a register! There is actually one specialised instruction that could be helpful in the first half but a pain to work around in the second half, and a ones-complement instruction that is almost useless here and would just take up space.

So, I found the closest value to 0 I could: 0x41. How is that close to 0? In binary it is 0x01000001. So I decrement it, load it into `L` and do `ADD HL, HL` twice! `L` is now zero, which I load back into `A`! Unfortunately, the ASCII code for `ADD HL, HL` is `)` so I now need to use `(` twice. Fortunately, `(` is `JR Z, e`, where `e` is the next byte. So it gobbles up the second byte and I just need to make sure it doesn't do anything by being careful with the `Z` flag! The last instruction to affect the `Z` flag was `DEC A` (counter-intuitively, `ADD HL, HL` doesn't change it) and since I know that `A` was 0x40 at that point it's guaranteed that `Z` is not set.

The first instruction in the second half `JR Z, #28` will do nothing the first 255 times because the Z flag can only be set if A has overflowed from 255 to 0. After that the output will be wrong, however since it's only saving 8-bits values anyway that shouldn't matter. The code shouldn't be expanded more than 255 times.

The code has to be executed as a snippet since all available ways of returning cleanly have been disallowed. All the RETurn instructions are above 0x80 and the few Jump operations allowed can only jump to a positive offset, because all 8-bit negative values have been disallowed too!