# [MAWP 2.0], <s>34</s> 33 bytes
[Try it!][mawp_interp]

`        Remove starting 1 on stack
|        Push input on stack as ASCII codes
_=M      Set variable M to length of stack (length of input)
0=A      Set variable A to 0
0/       Push 0 and cycle stack
[M%/]    Modulo each value on stack by M
/        Cycle stack
[        Start of loop
A1+=A    Add 1 to A
*        Multiply top of stack
MA-      If done M iterations...
<:.>    ...then print 0 and terminate
]        End of loop
1:       Print 1

[MAWP 2.0]: https://esolangs.org/wiki/MAWP
[mawp_interp]: https://8dion8.github.io/MAWP/v1.1?code=%60%7C_%3DM0%3DA0%2F%5BM%25%2F%5D%2F%5BA1%2B%3DA*MA-%3C0%3A.%3E%5D1%3A&input=8%20%208