## Powershell, <s>57</s> <s>56</s> 54 Bytes ## The CLI in powershell will glitch out slightly on some computers, so it doens't look perfect, but it's as good as I can feasibly get. Moved $a++ into the for loop to save one byte, (no `;`) Then moved it into the array indexer, for another 2 byte save, thanks to Roman for pointing that out. [![Loading Gif][1]][1] <s>`for(;;$a++){"Loading... "+"|/-\"[$a%4];sleep -m 250;cls}`</s> <s>`for(;;){$a++;"Loading... "+"|/-\"[$a%4];sleep -m 250;cls}`</s> [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Y8H7M.gif