Given two parameters *lane pattern* and *road length*, print an ASCII representation of the lane markings for Roads and Traffic Service to paint the roads.

## Example input/output

**Input:** `BTHMLRPHU`, 21

I don't care if you take two parameters or concatenate the number onto the end of the string, it's unambiguous.

Input may be taken from STDIN, as a function argument, environment variables, whatever makes sense in your language.


    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !
    ! B |  /\  x HOV3 ##  <-  |  ->  |  ^^  x HOV3 x      !
    ! B |  \/  x HOV3 ##   |  |  |   |  ^^  x HOV3 x      !
    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !
    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !
    !   |      |      ##      |      |      |      |      !
    !   |      |      ##      |      |      |      |      !
    !   |      |      ##      |      |      |      |      !
    ! B |  /\  | HOV3 ##  <-  |  ->  |  ^^  | HOV3 |      !
    ! B |  \/  | HOV3 ##   |  |  |   |  ^^  | HOV3 |      !
    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !
    ! B |  /\  x HOV3 ##  <-  |  ->  |  ^^  x HOV3 x      !
    ! B |  \/  x HOV3 ##   |  |  |   |  ^^  x HOV3 x      !
    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !
    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !
    !   |      |      ##      |      |      |      |      !
    !   |      |      ##      |      |      |      |      !
    !   |      |      ##      |      |      |      |      !
    ! B |  /\  | HOV3 ##  <-  |  ->  |  ^^  | HOV3 |      !
    ! B |  \/  | HOV3 ##   |  |  |   |  ^^  | HOV3 |      !
    !   |      x      ##      |      |      x      x      !

Each character denotes 0.5 metres in width and one kilometre in length. 

# Specification

## Lane markings
For every 10 km stretch of road, markings are painted at kilometres 2, 3, 9 and 10 (from the "top" of the output). Markings are centred in the lane. With the exception of the bike lane and median, all lanes are 3 metres (6 characters) wide.

ASCII diamond and arrow characters are *not* permitted in lieu of the markings as indicated in the example output.

 - `B`: Bike lane. `B` marking. 1.5 metres (3 characters) wide.
 - `T`: Transit. Diamond marking
 - `H`: High-occupancy vehicle lane. `HOV3` marking
 - `L` and `R`: Turning lane. Arrow marking
 - `P`: Passing lane. Caret markings
 - `U`: Unrestricted lane. No markings

## Separators (in order of precedence)

 - Median: `##` (denoted by `M` in the input string, replaces any other separator including ditch)
 - Ditch (extreme left and extreme right): `!` Exclamation mark
 - HOV lanes alternate between `x` and `|` every 5 km
 - Normal: `|`

## Constraints

Your function or program must:

 - *Print* to STDOUT (this means equivalents of `System.out.print` for Java, `console.log` for JavaScript, etc.)
 - Be able to print 1 - 9 lanes with 0 - 10 medians
 - Be able to print up to 50 km of roadway (50 lines of output)
 - [Not use any standard loopholes](
 - Trailing white space is not acceptable with the exception of an optional `\n` at the end of the output

Largest possible output: 3700 bytes (74 characters * 50 lines).

Smallest possible output: 5 bytes (with input `B`, 1)

### Assumptions

 - No adjacent medians (substring `MM` will not occur)
 - The second line of markings might be cut off (for example if the length is 9 or 12 km)
 - Lanes may not logically make sense (any order is possible, for example a right turn lane on the left of the road)

This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code (in bytes) wins!