#x86-16 Assembly, IBM PC DOS, 56 bytes


    00000000: 50b1 0433 d2ac 8bfe 51f2 ae75 0342 ebf9  P..3....Q..u.B..
    00000010: 923c 0375 0481 c3dd 013c 0275 0481 c3c8  .<.u.....<.u....
    00000020: 003c 0175 0383 c364 59e2 d885 db75 02b3  .<.u...dY....u..
    00000030: 0a58 03c3 b264 f6f2                      .X...d..


    50			    PUSH AX  			; save original coin count 
    B1 04			MOV  CL, 4 			; set up loop counter for 4 digits 
    33 D2			XOR  DX, DX 		; clear match counter 
    AC			    LODSB 				; next digit char into AL 
    8B FE			MOV  DI, SI 		; start searching at next char 
    51			    PUSH CX             ; save outer loop counter 
    F2/ AE		    REPNZ SCASB         ; search until digit AL is found 
    75 03			JNZ  CHECK_RES 		; end of search string found 
    42			    INC  DX             ; otherwise a match was found, inc counter             
    EB F9			JMP  MATCH_LOOP     ; continue looping 
    92				XCHG DX, AX 		; save match results to AX for shorter compare 
    3C 03			CMP  AL, 3			; is four of a kind? 
    75 04			JNE  CHECK_THREE 	; if not, check for triple 
    81 C3 01DD		ADD  BX, 477 		; if so, add 477 to score 
    3C 02			CMP  AL, 2 			; is three of a kind? 
    75 04			JNE  CHECK_TWO 		; if not, check for double 
    81 C3 00C8		ADD  BX, 200		; if so, add 200 to score 
    3C 01			CMP  AL, 1 			; is two of a kind? 
    75 03			JNE  END_LOOP 	 	; if not, move on to next 
    83 C3 64		ADD  BX, 100 		; if so, add 100 to score 
    59			    POP  CX 			; restore outer loop position 
    E2 D8			LOOP DIGIT_LOOP 	; keep looping 
    85 DB			TEST BX, BX 		; was ending score 0? 
    75 03			JNZ  DONE 			; if not, go to calculate score 
    B3 0A			MOV  BL, 10 		; consolation prize of 10 
    58				POP  AX 			; restore original coins 
    03 C3			ADD  AX, BX 		; add earned score 
    B2 64			MOV  DL, 100 		; divide by 100 
    F6 F2			DIV  DL 			; result is in AL

Input original coin count in `AX`, `SI` pointing to string of icons.  Output number of lives in `AL`.

This is not as golfed or clever as it can be.  I only had as long as my daughter's nap to work on this today. :)

Here is an test program for PC DOS that includes extra routines to handle the integer value I/O:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Download and test [LUCKY.COM][2] for DOS.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/0XZfJ.png
  [2]: https://stage.stonedrop.com/ppcg/LUCKY.COM