<a href="https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/two-dimensional-programming-language/6252487852687360">This</a> Programming Language

**Factoid:** This programming language is a two-dimensional programming language closely related to<br>><> and more distantly Befunge. It is based on ><>.

**1 character**


An infinite loop. Like ><> and Befunge, code will wrap around in this programming language. Note that in the interpreter, this will not result in an infinite loop as the interpreter gives up after (by default) 2048 commands.

In fact, any command but `;` when by itself in a program would result in an infinite loop.

**2 characters**


Outputs 1 indefinitely (theoretically). Any number from `0` to `9` would do pretty much the same.

**3 characters**


Finally! Something interesting! This is a `cat` program which outputs its input.