Answer 83 - Markdown

**What ?? No Markdown ? :P**

    [](#[.]c;cat;#&&alert"  "
        @echo)Hello World!

[Try it here][1]

Distance from [Answer 82][2] : 7

    e   -> [
    :   -> ]
    \n  -> (
    o H -> o)H
    :   -> [
    #   -> ]
    "   -> :

**Voodoo magic ?? Nah!! Here is how it works:**

 - `[text](link)` creates a link.

So the first part of the code is

    [](#[.]c;cat;#&&alert"  "

Which creates an empty text link with location

    #[.]c;cat;#&&alert"  "

 - Next part `Hello World!` is printed as is

 - Then `[;]:;#bye;dnl</vsh>` creates a reference link for `;` which can be used anywhere in the markdown.


    [Some text][;] // Outputs a link with text "Some text" and url ";#bye;dnl</vsh>"
