# [Haskell], 91 bytes

<!-- language-all: lang-hs -->

    import Data.Numbers.Primes

[Try it online!][TIO-k90jrlpe] (has an extra 2 bytes for `x=`)

Probably suboptimal but I had a lot of fun writing it. I encode the prime exponents (including zeroes for the primes it doesn't have prior to 71) as a string using the character's relative distance from `:`. the rest is a simple matter of zipping the exponents against an infinite list of all primes, raising those primes to that power, and taking the product.

Edit: forgot to take the `x=` out of the source code on here.

[Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org/
[TIO-k90jrlpe]: https://tio.run/##NY5Bi8IwGETv/oqPIqioJXWTJrUGBb0IiwgeRaHGYIttEpIUy7L/vVbFN6d5h2HyzN1lWbZtURltPWwyn4W7urpI68K9LSrpeg03Vl9r4Y/mXEp18/lxkA7CUJz@h2JiRovpX2GCfLdeLXj6Yv7JPA3Me@HUVlmh@FX3oKNzykMfmk@r/cHbX9WJYOtAaGul8KDeF5YQwHgMLtcPGDbAOTDEUETxDNMEk2jGKGEsxiRJEE7iiEaIEooQoQT/xAx9GbVP "Haskell – Try It Online"