# x86 machine code, 19 bytes `B8 3A 0E 2C 08 CD 10 2C 02 CD 10 04 01 CD 10 04 04 CD 10` Assembly code equivalent: mov ax, 0E3Ah; ah = 0Eh (bios teletype), al = 3Ah (ascii semicolon) sub al, 08h; ascii 2 int 10h sub al, 02h; ascii 0 int 10h add al, 01h; ascii 1 int 10h add al, 04h; ascii 5 int 10h Yeah, I know: it logs `2015` rather than `2014`. But seeing that this challenge is old and now the year is 2015, it seemed more appropriate to use the current year (it's my excuse for not "going home" :) ) *Note: This was tested using DOSBOX*