## Collections The first choice for a random collection is often *List*. In many cases you can replace it with *Seq*, which saves one character instantan. :) Instead of val l=List(1,2,3) val s=Seq(1,2,3) and, while s.head and s.tail is more elegant in usual code, `s(0)` is again one character shorter than `s.head`. Even shorter in some cases - depending on needed functionality is a tuple: val s=Seq(1,2,3) val t=(1,2,3) saving 3 characters immediately, and for accessing: s(0) t._1 it is the same for direct index access. But for elaborated concepts, tuples fail: scala> s.map(_*2) res55: Seq[Int] = List(2, 4, 6) scala> t.map(_*2) <console>:9: error: value map is not a member of (Int, Int, Int) t.map(_*2) ^ ###update def foo(s:Seq[Int]) def foo(s:Int*) In parameter declaration, Int* saves 4 characters over Seq[Int]. It is not equivalent, but sometimes, Int* will do.