# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 13 bytes
[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLhuo/DnlPihIV+xLDhuZbihIVaKG7Dt8imIiwiIiwiWzUsIDEsIDIsIDcsIDRdIl0=)

## Explained

ẏ             # Push the input and the range [0, len(input))
 ÞS℅          # Choose a random sublist of indices
    ~İ        # And index into the input at those places, without popping anything
      Ṗ℅      # Choose a random permutation of the indexed items
        Z     # and zip that with the chosen indices - this creates a list of [[original index, new item]...]
         (    # for each pair:
          n÷Ȧ # input[original index] = new item