# [Python 3], <s>282</s> 276 bytes

I managed to get the byte count under 300, I'm quite happy with that :).

*-6 bytes thanks to @ovs:* rewritten ternary if ... else

<!-- language-all: lang-python -->

    def f(h):
     m,t=[],[[0]*-~len(h)for i in range(4)]
     for w in h:
      for q in zip(w,'012'*len(w)):x+=q[1]*(q[0]>'L'or 3)+'3'
     for i in range(3600):
      for n in'0123'[3*(t[2][-1]>4):]:t[int(n)][[c[i]for c in m].count(n)]+=1

[Try it online!][TIO-krkt8i9w]

[Python 3]: https://docs.python.org/3/
[TIO-krkt8i9w]: https://tio.run/##TY7NbsIwEITveQrf/ENACQ4cXIUn8M3H1R4QJE2kYkLkCtpDXz3dJSDlNOtvZmc9/KTuGu00nZtWtKrTLhOXPNWAOUCBZv331UTC7XUUveijGI/xs1GVxkwwuzPraEk8ailJGN4Y/vaDuueyKLfScMdda/dY1Tco0agbdR@klxS2eiUtb5JJg9l/XDbHYWjiWT1MtSv0fGhx3O6Lgv/55JE4H7ESrFEJtgjrEg@VdugS9DGpqBHgBD1y/MQ1F9ycrt@ztarLTAwjBxM4i3kCi@AcleipVSCDDzIXJP4p4fnywUvU2cL3r1hYODQTDm@fn@EdJ303@tcwR2h7@gc "Python 3 – Try It Online"

*Original code explanation (at least I tried)*

 - `def f(h):`  
Function definition, takes as input the list with the lighthouses' codes.

 - `m,t=[],[[0]*-~len(h)for i in range(4)]`  
Initialize the empty list `m` that will contain the translated codes.  
Initialize the list of counters: 4 lists (1 for each color and 1 for the total), each with n+1 lighthouses elements.

 - `for w in h:`  
Loop on the code of each lighthouse to translate into color codes.

 - `x=''`  
Initialize empty string for the translated code.

 - `for q in zip(w,'012'*len(w)):x+=q[1]*(1if q[0]>'L'else 3)+'3'`  
Translate the `'SL'` sequences into color codes and the corresponding duration.  
`zip(w,'012'*len(w))` zips the the `'SL'` code with the corresponding repeated color sequence ('0'=F, '1'=C, '2'=A).  
For each `'S'`, `'L'`: replace with the color code (repeated for the seconds of short or long duration) and the off separation period ('3'=OFF).

 - `x+='3'*6;m.append(x*450)`  
Add the long off period (6s since 1s is already present) and extend the translated sequence for at least 1h.

 - `for i in range(3600):`  
Loop for 1h: for each second...
 - `for n in'0123'[3*(t[2][-1]>4):]:t[int(n)][[c[i]for c in m].count(n)]+=1`  
For each color and for the off (`in '0123'`)...  
`'0123'[3*(t[2][-1]>4):]` count only the off periods (indexed last item of the string) if we get 5s of color A on all lighthouses at the same time.  
`[c[i]for c in m]` status of each lighthouse at second *i*.  
`count(n)` gives how many lighthouses have that status `n`; the count corresponds to the index in the list of the corresponding status; and increment the counter.

 - `print(t[:3],t[3][::-1])`  
Print the counter for the colors and the total ON period: this list must be reversed since in the previous step we counted the OFF periods.