# **C#, 131 bytes** The following start 9 threads that each wait 6667 milliseconds. The program run in 6.73 secondes and has the following output : **00:00:06.7116711|604140408** Where "604140408" is the number of tick. There are 10 000ticks is a millisecond. So this give ~60.414 seconds. Total execution time and wait time don't have the same output format for golfing reason. using t=DateTime;var s=t.Now;Task.WhenAll(new t[9].Select(y=>Task.Delay(6667))).Wait();Debug.Write(t.Now-s+"|"+(t.Now-s).Ticks*9); [Here](https://dotnetfiddle.net/Widget/eYTgF9) is a fiddle that exceed the limit of execution of time of fiddle. Lower "6667" so that it fix fiddle's criteria if you want to run it.