# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `S`, 124 [bits<sup>v1](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyncode/blob/main/README.md)</sup>, 15.5 bytes 

[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/?v=1#WyJTfj0iLCIiLCJzOsKvMErigb3huYXhuIvigKLqnJ3Gm+KCjWh0VVxcLWoiLCIiLCIhKC4qKSAtPiBcIiguKilcIlxuWzYsIDEsIDIsIDQsIDMsIDUsIDgsIDcsIDEwXSAtPiBcIjEtOCAxMFwiXG5bMTEsIDEwLCA2LCA5LCAxMywgOCwgMywgNCwgMTVdIC0+IFwiMy00IDYgOC0xMSAxMyAxNVwiXG5bOSwgMTMsIDMsIDExLCA4LCA0LCAxMCwgMTUsIDZdIC0+IFwiMy00IDYgOC0xMSAxMyAxNVwiXG5bNSwgOCwgMywgMiwgNiwgNCwgNywgMV0gLT4gXCIxLThcIlxuWzUsIDMsIDcsIDEsIDldIC0+IFwiMSAzIDUgNyA5XCIiXQ==)

## Explained

s:                 # Push two copies of the input list but sorted
  ¯0J              # Forward differences of items with 0 appended
     ⁽ṅḋ           # Grouped by whether they are <= 1
        •          # Reshape the sorted input to that shape
         ꜝ         # and remove the 0
                   # the top of the stack will be a list of lists of numbers that are ranges
          ƛ        # to each range
           ₍htU    #   either get the first and last item or just the first
               \-j #   join on "-"
# S flag joins the result on spaces