Given a polynomial function *f* (e.g. as a list *p* of real coefficients in ascending or descending order), a non-negative integer *n*, and a real value *x*, return:

#    *f* <sup>n</sup>(*x*)

i.e. the value of *f* (*f* (*f* (…*f* (*x*)…))) for *n* applications of *f* on *x*.

Use reasonable precision and rounding.

Solutions that take *f* as a list of coefficients will probably be the most interesting, but if you are able to take *f* as an actual function (thereby reducing this challenge to the trivial "apply a function *n* times"), feel free to include it after your non-trivial solution.

### Example cases

*p* =`[1,0,0]` or *f* =`x^2`, *n* =`0`, *x* =`3`: <i>f</i> <sup>0</sup>(3) =`3` 

*p* =`[1,0,0]` or *f* =`x^2`, *n* =`1`, *x* =`3`: <i>f</i> <sup>1</sup>(3) =`9` 

*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`0`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>0</sup>(2.3) =`2.3`         
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`1`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>1</sup>(2.3) =`-8.761`      
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`2`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>2</sup>(2.3) =`23.8258`     
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`3`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>3</sup>(2.3) =`-2.03244`    
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`4`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>4</sup>(2.3) =`1.08768`     
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`5`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>5</sup>(2.3) =`-6.38336`    
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`6`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>6</sup>(2.3) =`14.7565`     
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`7`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>7</sup>(2.3) =`-16.1645`    
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`8`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>8</sup>(2.3) =`59.3077`     
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`9`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>9</sup>(2.3) =`211.333`     
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`10`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>10</sup>(2.3) =`3976.08`   
*p* =`[0.1,-2.3,-4]` or *f* =`0.1x^2-2.3x-4`, *n* =`11`, *x* =`2.3`: <i>f</i> <sup>11</sup>(2.3) =`1571775` 

*p* =`[-0.1,2.3,4]` or *f* =`−0.1x^2+2.3x+4`, *n* =`0`, *x* =`-1.1`: <i>f</i> <sup>0</sup>(-1.1) =`-1.1`      
*p* =`[-0.1,2.3,4]` or *f* =`−0.1x^2+2.3x+4`, *n* =`1`, *x* =`-1.1`: <i>f</i> <sup>1</sup>(-1.1) =`1.349`     
*p* =`[-0.1,2.3,4]` or *f* =`−0.1x^2+2.3x+4`, *n* =`2`, *x* =`-1.1`: <i>f</i> <sup>2</sup>(-1.1) =`6.92072`   
*p* =`[-0.1,2.3,4]` or *f* =`−0.1x^2+2.3x+4`, *n* =`14`, *x* =`-1.1`: <i>f</i> <sup>14</sup>(-1.1) =`15.6131` 

*p* =`[0.02,0,0,0,-0.05]` or *f* =`0.02x^4-0.05`, *n* =`25`, *x* =`0.1`: <i>f</i> <sup>25</sup>(0.1) =`-0.0499999` 

*p* =`[0.02,0,-0.01,0,-0.05]` or *f* =`0.02x^4-0.01x^2-0.05`, *n* =`100`, *x* =`0.1`: <i>f</i> <sup>100</sup>(0.1) =`-0.0500249`