# [Clean](http://clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean), score = 65

    module main
    import StdEnv, System.IO
    parseArgs :: *World -> ((Int, {#Int}), *World)
    parseArgs world
        # (args, world)
            = nextArgs [] world
        # args
            = reverse args
        # (k, a)
            = (hd args, tl args)
        = ((toInt k, {toInt n \\ n <- a}), world)
        nextArgs :: [String] *World -> ([String], *World)
        nextArgs args world
            # (arg, world)
                = evalIO getLine world
            | arg == ""
                = (args, world)
            = nextArgs [arg:args] world
    minimalWeight :: Int !{#Int} -> Int
    minimalWeight k a
        # count
            = size a
        # touches
            = createArray ((count - k + 3) / 2 * k) 0
        = treeWalk k count a [(0, 0, 0, 0)] touches
        treeWalk :: Int !Int {#Int} ![(!Int, !Int, Int, Int)] *{Int} -> Int
        treeWalk k verticies a [(weight, vertex, degree, requires) : nodes] touches
            | vertex >= verticies
                = weight
            | requires >= k
                = treeWalk k verticies a nodes touches
            # index
                = degree * k + requires
            | (select touches index) > vertex
                = treeWalk k verticies a nodes touches
            # (next, pivot)
                = (vertex + 1 + degree, verticies + requires)
            # (nodes, touches)
                = (orderedPrepend (weight, next, 0, requires + 1) nodes, update touches index (vertex + 1))
            | pivot >= k + next
                # (weight, vertex)
                    = (weight + (select a next) - (select a vertex), vertex + 1)
                # nodes
                    = orderedPrepend (weight, next + 1, 0, requires + 1) nodes
                | pivot == k + next
                    = treeWalk k verticies a nodes touches
                # weight
                    = weight + (select a (next + 1)) - (select a vertex)
                # nodes
                    = orderedPrepend (weight, vertex, degree + 1, requires) nodes
                = treeWalk k verticies a nodes touches
            = treeWalk k verticies a nodes touches
            orderedPrepend :: (!Int, Int, Int, Int) ![(!Int, Int, Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int, Int)]
            orderedPrepend a []
                = [a]
            orderedPrepend a [b : b_]
                # (x, _, _, _)
                    = a
                # (y, _, _, _)
                    = b
                | y > x
                    = [a, b : b_]
                = [b : orderedPrepend a b_]
    Start world
        # ((k, a), world)
            = parseArgs world
        = minimalWeight k a

Compile with:  
 `clm -h 1024M -gci 32M -gcf 32 -s 32M -t -nci -ou -fusion -dynamics -IL Platform main`

Takes `K`, and then each element of `A`, as command-line arguments.