#MATL, 20 bytes

[**Try it Online**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=dFZ0bnc0OC1QWn10MDw_eF9ddnM&input=OTk)

[All test cases](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=YGkKdFZ0bnc0OC1QWn10MDw_eF9ddnMKRFRd&input=ODc5MDEKMTIzCjk5CjUKMQowCi0zCi0xMjMKLTkwMAotODc5MDE)


			% Implicitly grab the input
	tV		% Duplicate the input and convert to a string
	tn		% Duplicate and find the length of this string
	w		% Flip the top two stack elements to get us the string again
	48-		% Subtract 48 (ASCII 'O'). Yields a negative number for a negative sign
			% and digits otherwise
	P		% Flip the resulting array
	Z}		% Break the array up so each element is pushed to the stack
	t0<?	% If the first character was a negative sign
	  x_	% Pop the negative sign off the stack and negate the first digit
	]		% End of if
	vs		% Vertically concatenate and sum all stack contents
			% Implicitly display the result