# Mathematica ASCII

I really like ASCII art, so I add another very different answer - especially so it's so short in Mathematica:

    Column[Table[Row[RandomChoice[{"+", ".", "*", "~", "^", "o"}, k]], {k, 1, 35, 2}], 
    Alignment -> Center]

![enter image description here][1]

And now with a bit more sophistication a scalable dynamic ASCII tree. Watch closely - the tree is also changing - snow sticks to branches then falls ;-)

    DynamicModule[{atoms, tree, pos, snow, p = .8, sz = 15},
     atoms = {
       Style["+", White],
       Style["*", White],
       Style["o", White],
       Style[".", Green],
       Style["~", Green],
       Style["^", Green],
       Style["^", Green]
     pos = Flatten[Table[{m, n}, {m, 18}, {n, 2 m - 1}], 1];
     tree = Table[RandomChoice[atoms, k], {k, 1, 35, 2}];
     snow = Table[
       RotateLeft[ArrayPad[{RandomChoice[atoms[[1 ;; 2]]]}, {0, sz}, " "],
         RandomInteger[sz]], {sz + 1}];
         tree[[Sequence @@ RandomChoice[pos]]] = RandomChoice[atoms];
         Column[Row /@ tree, Alignment -> Center, Background -> Black],
          snow = 
               RandomChoice[{(1 - p)/2, p, (1 - p)/2} -> {-1, 0, 1}]] & /@
            , {1, 0}]]
         }, Alignment -> Center]
       , UpdateInterval -> 0, TrackedSymbols -> {}]

![enter image description here][2]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/HBCvn.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/ArhPo.gif