# [C (gcc)], <sup><s>117</s> \$\cdots\$ <s>101</s></sup> 98 bytes   

Saved 10 bytes thanks to an idea from [Davide](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/100356/davide)!!!    
Saved 3 bytes (and got below 100!) thanks to [ceilingcat](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52904/ceilingcat)!!!   

<!-- language-all: lang-c -->


[Try it online!][TIO-kktrd85a]

[C (gcc)]: https://gcc.gnu.org/
[TIO-kktrd85a]: https://tio.run/##XVPBbsIwDP0VVAmUtKlEWbUJ4pozd26lhxG1W6UNItoDE7BfZ06cFrRLFNnP7z07jkk/jLnfW90I8/l@iq28NMeTaIu5jm2SpPn8erXlS5XmmU6SVmpbpllV2NKWWZW@Ltbz1aLSe3O0P8ImubKq609f9UFYKXU7mzUU/aWy232jOhVvy6q4RAIRZKQiASCArv5OQZQhLigOKOmgJISYQF9HYaTcExYoA1RMWOFzdHicL@dad3UZTxFUWXLAEDtXe2FKBHAIghy5HDsfziSdjEPPCWxdDn0wmJsbJNEZAW5n1HeSD68YuLmToIveHAQEjr6RO3UNAP73imwTgzUIhnHEIDAMmQLZrAwzwkFHhNmF@fuDORkN@KwJj0EMrwlMic@cMD6Fp8FhsDgM1jt/7t@x@Br3MkNH7u28qpv7TcW9/n5vD6LmZdYbWMy1PbWHvhHRtJukOJmaye5cL3bnpZma3SFSPa1nl9brLF@usvxNyov7D5N9Gfa5L7blppIVfRSKGFr3veppx7si3qu6iACjcpMkuKz07Xb/Aw "C (gcc) – Try It Online"   

Takes an input string with enclosing parentheses and reduces it to either a left (`<`) or a right (`>`). 

### Explanation (before some golfs) 

    i;f(char*p){                       // function taking a string parameter p  
      for(i=0;p[i++]-40||p[i+3]-41;);  // loop until we find chars '(' and ')'   
                                       // separated by 3 characters.   
                                       // since our input is enclosed in 
                                       // parentheses we will always find one.  
      p[i-1]=                          // i has gone forward one but set the 
                                       // first of these characters  - the '('  
                                       // to...     
             p[i+1]-62?                // ...depending on whether the middle   
                                       // char is a '<' or a '>'...   
                       p[i]:           // ...the one before the middle if '<'
                            p[i+2];    // ...the one after the middle if '>'  
      memcpy(p+i,p+i+4,strlen(p));     // move the back end of the string forward  
                                       // over the other 4 chars.    
                                       // now a "(A<B)" is reduced to "A"     
                                       // and a "(A>B)" is reduced to "B" 
      ~-i&&                            // if we didn't just reduce the start of p     
           f(p);                       // then recursively call f.   
                                       // otherwise p is reduced to the answer 
                                       // and we're done.     