Write the shortest program that generates a [histogram][1] (a graphical representation of the distribution of data).


 - Must generate a histogram based on the character length of the words (punctuation included)
   input into the program. (If a word is 4 letters long, the bar representing the number 4 increases by 1)
 - Must display bar labels that correlate with the character length the bars represent.


    $ ./histogram This is a hole in one!
    1 |#
    2 |##
    3 |
    4 |###

    $./histogram Extensive word length should not be very problematic.
    1 |
    2 |#
    3 |#
    4 |##
    5 |
    6 |##
    7 |
    8 |
    9 |#

    ./histogram Very long strings of words should be just as easy to generate a histogram just as short strings of words are easy to generate a histogram for.
    1 |##
    2 |#######
    3 |#
    4 |#######
    5 |###
    6 |#
    7 |##
    8 |####

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram