# Pyth, <s>43</s> <s>42</s> 44 bytes


Try it online: [Demonstration][1]

I think I can still chop one or two bytes. 

### Explanation

    lsmf|!@<G5dq%T2}\od}hKvMc-ecd\:G\-eKc-zd\,  implicit: z = input string
                                         -zd    remove all spaces from z
                                        c   \,  and split by ","
      m                                         map each part d to:
                               cd\:               split d by ":"
                              e                   and only use the last part (removes page number)
                             -     G              remove all letters (removes odd/even)
                            c       \-            split by "-"
                          vM                      and evaluate all (one or two) numbers
                         K                        and store the result in K
                       }hK            eK          create the list [K[0], K[0]+1, ..., K[-1]]
       f                                          filter for numbers T in this list, which satisfy:
          @<G5d                                     the intersection of "abcde" and d
         !                                          is empty (no odd/even in d)
        |                                           or
                %T2                                 T mod 2
               q                                    equals
                   }\od                             "o" in d
     s                                          combine all the lists
    l                                           print the length      

  [1]: https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=lsmf%7C!%40%3CG5dq%25T2%7D%5Cod%7DhKvMc-ecd%5C%3AG%5C-eKc-rzZd%5C%2C&input=pg.+546%3A+17-19%2C+22%2C+26%2C+pg.+548%3A+35-67+odd%2C+79%2C+80-86+even&debug=0