# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)], 51 bytes <!-- language-all: lang-apl --> Full program body. s←⎕AI 1↓∊':'@1∘⍕¨100+3↑0 60 60 1E3⊤3⊃⎕AI-s ⎕DL 1 →2 [Try it online!][TIO-jbnj0ecc] (Press Ctrl+Enter to start, and again to stop.) `⎕AI` **A**ccount **I**nformation (user ID, compute time, connect time, keying time) `s←` assign to `s` (for **s**tart time) `⎕AI-s` subtract `s` from `⎕AI` `3⊃` pick the third element (connect time in milliseconds) `0 60 60 1E3⊤` convert to this mixed-radix `3↑` take the first 3 (drops the milliseconds) `100+` one hundred added to each (to pad zeros) `':'@1∘⍕¨` amend with a colon at the first character of the string representation of each `∊` **ϵ**nlist (flatten) `1↓` drop the first colon (and implicitly print to stdout) `⎕DL 1` **D**e**l**ay one second `→2` go to line number two [APL (Dyalog Unicode)]: https://www.dyalog.com/ [TIO-jbnj0ecc]: https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKM9uCS/oDyxJDnjf/GjtgmP@qY6enIZPmqb/KijS91K3cHwUceMR71TD60wNDDQNn7UNtFAwQyMDF2NH3UtAeJmsB7dYi4g7eKjYMj1qG2SEcjk/3CjAQ "APL (Dyalog Unicode) – Try It Online"