# [Stackish](http://www.enderscythe.com/projects/proglangs/stackish/), 12 bytes 01d\+.qzcl2' How it works: 0 Load 0 into stack (stack now 0). 1 Load 1 into stack (stack now 0,1). d Duplicate last number of stack (stack now 0,1,1). \ Swap bottom with top (stack now 1,0,1). + Add last two numbers (stack now 1,1). . Pop to output (stack now 1). q Undo pop (stack now 1,1). z Pause. c Clear screen. l2' Jump to 2nd character (d). d Duplicate last number of stack (stack now 1,1,1). \ Swap bottom with top (stack now 1,1,1). + Add last two numbers (stack now 1,2). . Pop to output (stack now 1). q Undo pop (stack now 1,2). z Pause. c Clear screen. l2' Jump to 2nd character (d) ...