# [FMSLogo](http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/), 80 bytes [repeat ?[arc2 360/? 99 run lput pos[setpos ask 1[arc2 360/?*?2 99 pos]setpos]]] ### Usage This is an [explicit-slot template](http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/manual/explict-slot-templates.html), which can be used by typing, for example apply [...] [54 2] into the Logo prompt, replacing `[...]` with the program above. It can be used to draw the circle anywhere on the screen, but the radius is hardcoded (99). To clear the screen use [`cs`](http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/manual/command-clearscreen.html). ###Images (FMSLogo also has a convenient command [`bitcopy`](http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/manual/command-bitcopy.html) for copying to clipboard. Example run: pu bk 100 bitcopy 200 200 home pd ) [![k = 54, n = 2][1]][1] [![k = 90, n = 6][2]][2] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/OpMAe.png "k = 54, n = 2" [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/XcUSR.png "k = 90, n = 6"