**The Challenge** Output a list of years that starts with the current year and ends 120 years ago. The birth year of every living human would be included in this list. **Details** The list should be in descending order. Every built-in function to manipulate arrays and/or lists is allowed. Shortest code in bytes wins. When run this year the output would be ```2016, 2015, ..., 1897, 1896``` When run next year the output would be ```2017, 2016, ..., 1898, 1897``` Etc. **Update** - Some have asked about the format of the list. As most have guessed, it doesn't matter. Insert any separator between the numbers. Intuitively most inserted a comma or space or both, newline or output an array. - Quasi superhumans like [Jeanne Calment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Calment) are an expectation to the rule stated in my question.