# JavaScript (ES6), 165 bytes

Expects a list of binary strings.

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[Try it online!][TIO-m3f328fy]

[JavaScript (Node.js)]: https://nodejs.org
[TIO-m3f328fy]: https://tio.run/##jVHLboMwELznKyIUGZtHuktvqIZbb9x6o0E8mpBEGCKglqqS/jqlaQtEJUn3tLZnZ3bG@0hGVVLuDrWZFy/rdsNbwR2xFNGBerzkDvUaLrkKsaqXDRiCcNk0wpDMEPwD2AkouSNdGnOpU0lMyRiJTXTvbRkI1wrkg2ej3UH3xS4Pw26iTrY0DECjqC/eK05T/qXpWnpKBREmMltVGRXs2HTPR9QZaIuQEeJpFvHuLCIC0SZFXhXZepkVKVX8p/K13r6tFDYb32@oP5vPFQDsChRj8gAAymzFJic7ZA/8bS6j4VQ9btTjuMdpDNyg7pfGkQE8MzNNd8anPOf@Y5RVl7LCq@5@yAfJM/HLMY7T@977hteefsj/P0LwN/ZhU8SrPw2jSE@w9hM "JavaScript (Node.js) – Try It Online"

## How?

### Step 1

We first convert the input matrix \$m[\:]\$ into a list of integers. At the same time, we compute the bit mask \$M\$ of all rows OR'd together and the bit mask \$m\$ of all non-empty rows AND'd together.

<!-- language: lang-javascript -->

    m.map(M =                  // start with M zero'ish
      r =>                     // for each row r in m[]:
      ( M |= v = '0b' + r | 0, //   turn r into an integer v by parsing it as binary
                               //   and update M by doing M = M OR v
        m &= v || m,           //   if v is not equal to 0, update m by doing m = m AND v
        v                      //   yield v as the actual value for the map()
      ),                       //
      m = ~0                   //   start with all bits set in m
    )                          // end of map()

If the shape is valid:

- \$m\$ is the pattern for the vertical leg
- \$M\$ is the pattern for the horizontal leg
- the list returned by `map()` contains only \$m\$, \$M\$ and optional \$0\$'s


     input     | bin -> dec |  M |  m
     "0000000" |      0     |  0 | ~0
     "0100000" |     32     | 32 | 32
     "0100000" |     32     | 32 | 32
     "0111110" |     62     | 62 | 32
     "0000000" |      0     | 62 | 32

### Step 2

We convert the list into a string of digits, using \$0\$ for empty rows, \$1\$ for rows equal to \$m\$, \$2\$ for rows equal to \$M\$, or \$3\$ for invalid rows.

<!-- language: lang-javascript -->

    .map(v =>                  // for each value v in the list:
      v ?                      //   if v is not equal to 0:
        (b = v + (v & -v))     //     if adding to v the least significant bit set in v
        & b - 1 ?              //     results in more than one bit set:
          3                    //       this is an invalid row where at least one 0
                               //       breaks a pattern of consecutive 1's
        :                      //     else:
          v ^ m ?              //       if v is not equal to m:
            2 ^                //         yield 2 if v = M
            v < M              //         or yield 3 if v != M (invalid)
          :                    //       else (v = m):
            1                  //         yield 1
      :                        //   else (empty row):
        0                      //     yield 0
    )                          // end of map()
    .join``                    // join all digits

### Step 3

We build a regular expression to test whether the string is valid.

<!-- language: lang-javascript -->

    .match(                    // test the resulting string:
      "^0*(" +                 //   optional leading 0's
                               //   followed by either:
      "1+" +                   //     one or several 1's
      ( s =                    //     followed by as many 2's as the number of bits set
        ( g = m =>             //     in m
            m ?                //
              2 + g(m & m - 1) //     this string of 2's is computed with the recursive
            :                  //     function g and saved in s
              ''               //
        )(m)                   //
      ) +                      //
      "|" +                    //   or:
      s + "1+" +               //     as many 2's as the number of bits set
                               //     in m, followed by one or several 1's
      ")0*$"                   //   followed by optional trailing 0's
    )                          // end of match()

### Step 4

Finally, we make sure that \$m\$ and \$M\$ form a right angle.

Either \$m\text{ AND }(M\times 2)\$ or \$m\text{ AND }\lfloor M/2\rfloor\$ must be different from \$m\$:

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    M * 2 & M / 2 & m ^ m