Simplify built-in functions - When using certain functions frequently, reassign them to a user-defined function. The following code (**127** chars) can be reduced from: <!-- language-all: lang-vb --> Sub q() w = 0 x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 a = Format(w, "0.0%") b = Format(x, "0.0%") c = Format(y, "0.0%") d = Format(z, "0.0%") End Sub to (**124** chars): Sub q() w = 0 x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 a = f(w) b = f(x) c = f(y) d = f(z) End Sub Function f(g) f = Format(g, "0.0%") End Function Combining this with the [ByRef trick][1] and some [autoformatting tricks][2], you can save even more characters (down to **81**): Sub q w=0 x=1 y=2 z=3 f w f x f y f z End Sub Sub f(g) g=Format(g,"0.0%") End Sub Do this judiciously, as VBA takes up a lot of characters to define a `Function`. The second code block would actually be larger than the first with *any* number fewer `Format()` calls. [1]: [2]: