#Haskell, <s>154</s> 149 bytes

    import Data.List
    a@(r,x)%y|length r==10=a|0<1=(\t->(union r t,x++(y\\t)))$[t|t<-tails x,isPrefixOf t y]!!0
    h n=snd$foldl(%)("","")$map show[n,n-1..1]

adding in the recycling-checking cost <b>a lot</b> of characters... sigh

golfed a bit by using the fact that `union` does some `nub`-ing for us so that checking if we recycled all digits can become checking if the amount of the recycled digits is 10 (and also using `union` is shorter in and of itsef).

example output:
    *Main> h 110