# [Charcoal], <s>40</s> 39 bytes


[Try it online!][TIO-kwxcgmzu] Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs the first `n` values. Explanation:


Start with `0` having been found to have a value of `2` but none of the other values having been found yet.


Try from squares up to ninth powers.


Loop over all of the values that haven't yet been found in reverse order, so the highest index is tested first.


Subtract the powers of all the integers up to `n` from the current index and see if any of those values had previously been found. This is harder than it sounds as it's necessary to defeat Charcoal's cyclic indexing.


If so then mark this value with the necessary power.


Output all of the values.

[Charcoal]: https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal
[TIO-kwxcgmzu]: https://tio.run/##LY7NCsIwEITvPkWOG4iggidPpSL0YCn2CWK6tsF0I/lR@/QxUY/7zczOqEk6ZaVJ6WYdg4YeMbRxvqIDzlkX/QRRsKONV4MDtDaA5pwfVl/3RdKIsBNsu8nmH8InOo9w0jRUxpRw1v5iRUsBfZyhN1oh1IsyWE/2UXBDyuGMFHLRWVP0cBess688ZRas1HLBWhxlQNiWi7PKez1SFRoa8F1@3IvxsOqcpgC19AFiXpvSbp/WT/MB "Charcoal – Try It Online"