# [Haskell], <s>461</s> 379 bytes

*82 bytes saved by [Ørjan Johansen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/66041/%c3%98rjan-johansen)*

<!-- language-all: lang-hs -->

    -- ----------a  l--
    rl=p  p--   niam= _
    p m="left"-- n==p--
    p a="right"++ "" --
    main  =putStr rl --
    --n +r       =iep--
    -- -+t       pgf---
    -- -"S       uht---
    -- "tt       tt" --
    ---thu       S"- --
    ---fgp       t+- --
    --pei=       r+ n--
    -- lr rtStup=  niam
    -- "" ++"thgir"=a p
    --p==n --"tfel"=m p
    _ =main   --p  p=lr
    --l  a---------- --

[Try it online!][TIO-jlza49p1]

[Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org/
[TIO-jlza49p1]: https://tio.run/##RdDLrcQgDAXQfaq48hZRgqtIARELkqAxyOI59Wc8A/Pi5cH4d6a/Vxa57xi3@B9Vtce4xIjHEiBuXVgB9SeglVQZ26KoTJJ3I@fG7K9uiamX4zQKAUReaampNID1stU6uuDboyF0jOCSdfYNNk2PPU6jddp12jSyX54ZjXrRzmvaSnHafugvL0zTXHhaD2ijnvhcPt2lPNb79iCEQHYepRMn6Ocvc/MqZHsW4uq2gcd6zp8DsXTPEyA9Jxx9u2p9zK9@328 "Haskell – Try It Online"

Since this one has 4-fold symmetry you only need to test the mirror:

<!-- language-all: lang-hs -->

    --l  a---------- --
    _ =main   --p  p=lr
    --p==n --"tfel"=m p
    -- "" ++"thgir"=a p
    -- lr rtStup=  niam
    --pei=       r+ n--
    ---fgp       t+- --
    ---thu       S"- --
    -- "tt       tt" --
    -- -"S       uht---
    -- -+t       pgf---
    --n +r       =iep--
    main  =putStr rl --
    p a="right"++ "" --
    p m="left"-- n==p--
    rl=p  p--   niam= _
    -- ----------a  l--

[Try it online!][TIO-jlza5ysr]

[TIO-jlza5ysr]: https://tio.run/##RdBBrsQgCAbg/ZziD1vDEThFD9C4sK0ZNcRHz99HrTPDji8g4BH/3qmU62LuqpW/sTK/mAsQfwa3FVJjboAnCqiU7nUq0hzItlRIKtQNRAiB7NhzJ4mPlY5ui50qQMux3r0pezKiB7Qxl7ddp1kYc93sOKctNA1k9qkzmsa0TDsP42nhU6f79lhD6NMkJ3V7DhM9fUPfs9zvKaJQz/thFMJ90rAqVNJm5C83kbu3F7m/w@E5TLCOud@IQBlz159V1c58Xf8 "Haskell – Try It Online"

This is a start.  It is far from ideal, but there are a few interesting things going on here.  Haskell is a certainly an interesting language for this challenge.  I look forward to an answer that beats this be it mine or someone else's.