# [Runic Enchantments], 6 bytes "'<S@> [Try it online!][TIO-js42y688] [Runic Enchantments]: https://github.com/Draco18s/RunicEnchantments/tree/Console [TIO-js42y688]: https://tio.run/##KyrNy0z@/19J3SbYwe7/fwA "Runic Enchantments – Try It Online" > This one was weird. All I had to do was remove a `~` from the original quine [found by Jo King](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/172877/47990). > Every additional run appends another `<` to the end, e.g.: > "'<S@><<<<<<<<< > All of which do nothing. Direct copy of [this answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/179913/47990) on a related challenge. It just so happened to already grow by 1 byte every iteration (strong argument for this challenge being a duplicate of that one or vice versa).