There [already is]( a Brainfuck interpreter question, but it is from 2011 and not up to date with current site standards and vague in places. I have [proposed]( reposting this in chat, and it was well-received. Here goes. ## Objective Given the Brainfuck code and the program's input as input, run the Brainfuck code. As there are various variants of Brainfuck, here is the one I will use for the challenge: - There are least 128 cells. - Cell values are positive integers, having a maximum value of at least 128. - Going into negative cells in undefined. - Going into negative numbers is undefined. - Going above the maximum cell value is undefined. - EOF is 0 You may assume that the code will conform to the above constraints and that brackets will be balanced. You may also assume that all input code will be nothing but `<>,.+-[]`. # Testcases ``` "+[+[<<<+>>>>]+<-<-<<<+<++]<<.<++.<++..+++.<<++.<---.>>.>.+++.------.>-.>>--." -> "Hello, World!" ",[.,]", "abc" -> "abc" ``` # Scoring As this is [tag:code-golf], shortest answer in bytes wins.