Write a program that reads from stdin two integers, each newline terminated, hereafter called "number" and "radix", and: 1. Prints any fixed message you want if the number is a palindrome in that radix (e.g. `true`, `t`, `1`) 2. Prints any different fixed message you want if the number is not a palindrome in that radix (e.g. `false`, `f`, `0`, etc.) 3. These messages must be the same per each run, but there are no rules about what they must be (whatever's best for golfing). 4. You may assume the input is valid, two positive integers. "number" will not exceed `2147483647`, "radix" will not exceed `32767`. 5. You may not use external resources, but you may use any math function included by default in your language. **Note:** [a radix is just the base of the number.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix) Sample runs: 16 10 false 16 3 true 16 20 true 121 10 true 5 5 false 12346 12345 true 16781313 64 true 16781313 16 true