## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), 157 bytes Byte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding. The leading linefeed is significant. <pre><code> 100$* . $.' bottles of beer¶ %`$ W, $_.¶Take one down and pass it around, $_W.¶ G-8` W on the wall T`s``¶1 .+ T.+ 1 Go to the store and buy some more, 99 </code></pre> [Try it online!][1] I can't be believe I (or anyone else) have ever done this Retina... [1]: http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=CjEwMCQqCi4KJC4nIGJvdHRsZXMgb2YgYmVlcsK2CiVgJApXLCAkXy7CtlRha2Ugb25lIGRvd24gYW5kIHBhc3MgaXQgYXJvdW5kLCAkX1cuwrYKRy04YApXCiBvbiB0aGUgd2FsbApUYHNgYMK2MSAuKwpULisgMSAKR28gdG8gdGhlIHN0b3JlIGFuZCBidXkgc29tZSBtb3JlLCA5OSA&input=