# Pyth, 21 bytes j.imjC9d.zmjC9+CMdT.z Here's an entry from one of *"those damned Pyth programmers"* ;) A program that takes input of an unquoted multiline string on STDIN and prints the result. This assumes that all input has a trailing newline. If you want it to deal with no trailing newline, add `<` at the beginning of the program and `)_3` at the end. [Try it online](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=j.imjC9d.zmjC9%2BCMdT.z&input=%23include+%3Cstdio.h%3E%0A%0Aint+maint%28%29+%7B%0A++++printf%28%22hello%2C+world%5Cn%22%29%3B%0A++++return+0%3B%0A%7D&debug=0) The output for the test case is difficult to see in the online interpreter, so I've included it here: # i n c l u d e < s t d i o . h > 35 105 110 99 108 117 100 101 32 60 115 116 100 105 111 46 104 62 10 10 i n t m a i n t ( ) { 105 110 116 32 109 97 105 110 116 40 41 32 123 10 p r i n t f ( " h e l l o , w o r l d \ n " ) ; 32 32 32 32 112 114 105 110 116 102 40 34 104 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 92 110 34 41 59 10 r e t u r n 0 ; 32 32 32 32 114 101 116 117 114 110 32 48 59 10 } 125 10 **How it works** j.imjC9d.zmjC9+CMdT.z Program. Input: .z (All of STDIN split on newlines) C9 Yield tab character by taking chr(9) j Join on tab m d.z Map that over .z CM Map ord() + T Append 10 jC9 Join on tab m d .z Map that over .z .i Interleave the results of the two mappings j Join on newlines Implicitly print