# [PseudoD](http://github.com/alinarezrangel/PseudoD), <s>688</s> 579 bytes utilizar mate.pseudo utilizar entsal.pseudo adquirir n adquirir a adquirir r adquirir i fijar n a llamar LeerPalabra finargs si son iguales n y CERO llamar EscribirLinea {0} finargs salir fin fijar a a llamar ValorAbsoluto n finargs fijar i a CERO si comparar Importar.Ent.Comparar n < CERO fijar r a {~} sino fijar r a {-} fin mientras comparar Importar.Ent.Comparar i < a llamar Escribir r finargs si son iguales r y {~} fijar r a {-} Importar.Ent.Sumar i UNO i sino fijar r a {~} fin finbucle si son iguales r y {~} llamar Escribir {~} finargs fin llamar Escribir {0} finargs Explain: Read a number from STDIN; If the number is zero (0); Then: Writes 0 to STDOUT and exits; End If; If the number is less than zero (0); Then: Set the fill character to "~"; Else: Set the fill character to "-"; End If; For i = 0; While i is less than abs(number); do: Write the fill character to STDOUT; If the fill character is "~": Set the fill character to "-" Increment i by one Else: Set the fill character to "~" End if; End for; If the fill character is "~"; Then: Write "~" to STDOUT; End If; Write "0" to STDOUT