# [Detour](https://rawgit.com/cyoce/detour/master/interp.html), 20 bytes This one is going for the "infinite sequence" option. v1vq:$ $+ p,p^ ^ q [Try it online!](https://rawgit.com/cyoce/detour/master/interp.html?hex=djF2cTokCiAgJCsKcCxwXgpeIHE%3D) Branch 1 takes a number, prints it, adds it with the number from Branch 2, then puts the result in Branch 2<br> Branch 2 takes a number, feeds it to the addition with A, then puts the original number (*not* the sum) in Branch 1. For a better explanation click the link and you'll see it in action. More "readable" version: # [Detour](https://rawgit.com/cyoce/detour/master/interp.html), 267 bytes :$v 1v q # split into branches + # push sum of last 2 fibonacci numbers to branch 2 { p ,p ^ # print branch 1, merge with branch 3 } ^ q # push branch 2 into branch 1 for printing and recycling # 1 2 3 [Try it online!](https://rawgit.com/cyoce/detour/master/interp.html?hex=OiR2ICAxdiAgIHEgICAjIHNwbGl0IGludG8gYnJhbmNoZXMKICAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICArICAgIyBwdXNoIHN1bSBvZiBsYXN0IDIgZmlib25hY2NpIG51bWJlcnMgdG8gYnJhbmNoIDIKICAgICAgeyAgCgogIHAgICxwICAgXiAgICMgcHJpbnQgYnJhbmNoIDEsIG1lcmdlIHdpdGggYnJhbmNoIDMKCiAgICAgIH0KCiAgXiAgIHEgICAgICAgIyBwdXNoIGJyYW5jaCAyIGludG8gYnJhbmNoIDEgZm9yIHByaW50aW5nIGFuZCByZWN5Y2xpbmcKCiMgMSAgIDIgICAz)