# [Brachylog], 18 bytes {hl⟦kp;?z₀∋₍ᵐ+}ᶠot [Try it online!][TIO-jpsfbzsm] [Brachylog]: https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog [TIO-jpsfbzsm]: https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/vzoj59H8ZdkF1vZVj5oaHnV0P2rqfbh1gnbtw20L8kv@/4@ONtRRMNJRMNZRMInVUYg2BdJgnhGIZwaWM9dRMIyN/R8FAA "Brachylog – Try It Online" ###Explanation ot The output is the biggest result of… { }ᶠ …finding all outputs to the following predicate: hl⟦k Construct the range [0, …, n-1] p Take a permutation of that range ;?z₀ Zip that permutation with the Input, stopping when all elements of the input are used (important because the range is possibly bigger than the length of the input) ∋₍ᵐ In each element of the zip, take the head'th element of the tail + Sum the result