# JavaScript + Python 2 + Japt, 3 languages, 132 bytes, score ~= 0.205 A="`i96d)p2`i96d)p2";1//2;A=1 S="S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))";A//2;S="S=%r;print S%%S";""" console.log(S,uneval(S))//""";print S%S This prints S="S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))";console.log(S,uneval(S)) in JavaScript (only in Firefox), S='S=%r;print S%%S';print S%S in Python 2, and `i96d)p2`i96d)p2 in Japt. ([Test it online!](http://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=master&code=QT0iYGk5NmQpcDJgaTk2ZClwMiI7MS8vMjtBPTEKUz0iUz0lcztjb25zb2xlLmxvZyhTLHVuZXZhbChTKSkiO0EvLzI7Uz0iUz0lcjtwcmludCBTJSVTIjsiIiIKY29uc29sZS5sb2coUyx1bmV2YWwoUykpLy8iIiI7cHJpbnQgUyVT&input=)) ### JavaScript This is what JavaScript sees: <!-- language-all: lang-js --> A="`i96d)p2`i96d)p2";1 S="S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))";A console.log(S,uneval(S)) The first line is a no-op because `A` is not used in any way. The second line sets `S` to the string `S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))`, and the third prints it after replacing the `%s` with the `uneval`ed representation of `S` (just `S` wrapped in quotes). The result is a quine in JavaScript. ### Python This is basically what Python sees: <!-- language: lang-python --> A="`i96d)p2`i96d)p2";1//2;A=1 S="S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))";A//2;S="S=%r;print S%%S" print S%S The first line is pretty much a no-op; the only important part is the `A=1` at the end. This turns `A` into a number so that the integer division `A//2` on the second line doesn't throw an error. The second line is mostly the same way, except it sets `S` to the string `S=%r;print S%%S`. The third line prints `S` after replacing the `%r` with the raw representation of `S` (just `S` wrapped in single-quotes). The result is a quine in Python 2. ### Japt This is the JavaScript code the Japt interpreter sees: A="`i96d)p2`i96d)p2";1//2;A=1 S="S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))";A//2;S="S=%r;print S%%S";"","\nconsole.log(S,uneval(S))//","";.p("r".i("n".t(),S%S)) As you can see, it's mostly the same as the JavaScript answer, with one main exception: the last two lines are combined. As a result, this is what the interpreter actually sees: A="`i96d)p2`i96d)p2";1 S="S=%s;console.log(S,uneval(S))";A The first line sets `A` to the Japt quine, and the second sets `S` to part of the JS quine. In Japt however, only the last expression is sent to output; this is `A`, so the output is `` `i96d)p2`i96d)p2``.