Though challenges involving magic squares abound on this site, none I can find so far ask the golfer to print / output all normal magic squares of a certain size. To be clear, a normal magic square of order \$n\$ is: 1. An \$n\times n\$ array of numbers. 2. Each positive integer up to and including \$n^2\$ appears in exactly one position in the array, and 3. Each row, column, and both main- and anti-diagonals of the array sum to the same "magic number". Your challenge is to write the shortest program that prints all normal magic squares of order 3. There are 8 such squares. For the purposes of this challenge, the characters surrounding the output array, such as braces or brackets that accompany arrays in many languages, are allowed. For a non-optimized example in python, see [here][1]. Happy golfing! [1]: