# C# 7 - <s>414</s> 369 bytes

<!-- language: lang-c# -->

___Edit__: switched to 1D looping, computing `i` and `j` on the fly_

    using C=System.Console;class P{static void Main(){string D="",L;int W=0,H=0,i,j,z,k,q;for(;(L=C.ReadLine())!=null;H+=W=L.Length)D+=L+="\n";int[]P()=>new[]{i=z%W,j=z/W,-i,-j,i+j,j-i,-i-j,i-j};int[]B=null;for(z=H;z-->0;)if(D[z]%7<1)for(B=B??P(),k=8;k-->0;)if(B[k]<(q=P()[k]+1))B[k]=q;for (;++z<H;C.Write(q>8?'o':D[z]))for(q=k=8;k-->0;)q*=B[k]<P()[k]?0:B[k]==P()[k]?2:1;}}

Complete program, takes input to standard in, prints it to standard out, uses `#`, `.`, and `o`. For each cell, it computes a 'profile' (which is the distance over 8 directions), and records a maximum of each of these. It then writes out the whole map again, and replaces any cell which is both on a boundary and not outside of any with a 'o'. The commented code below explains how it all works.

As per my answer to http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/50829/save-the-geese-from-extinction, this produces the smallest octagon (valid circumnavigation with largest area) which bounds the island.

___Note__: that for once in my life I'm using something from the current decade, and this code requires C# 7 to compile. If you do not have C# 7, there is one line that will need to be replaced, which is clearly marked in the code._

Example usage and output:

    type t7.txt | IslandGolf1.exe


Formatted and commented code:

<!-- language: lang-c# -->

    using C=System.Console;

    class P
        static void Main()
            // \n 10
            // # 35
            // . 46
            // o 111

            string D="", // the whole map
                L; // initally each line of the map, later each line of output
            int W=0, // width
                H=0, // length (width * height)
                i, // x-index
                j, // y-index
                z, // position in map (decomposed into i and j by and for P)
                k, // bound index
                q; // bound distance, and later cell condition (0 -> outside, 8 -> inside, >8 -> on boudary)
            for(;(L=C.ReadLine())!=null; // read a line, while we can
                    H+=W=L.Length) // record the width, and increment height
                D+=L+="\n"; // add a \n to the line (the rest of the code treats this as a . cell), and add the line to the map
            // create profile for point
            // converts 1d to 2d very cheaply
            // each entry describes the distance in one of the 8 directions: we want to maximise these to find the 'outer bounds'
            // these 8 bounds describe 8 lines, together an octogen
            int[]P()=>new[]{i=z%W,j=z/W,-i,-j,i+j,j-i,-i-j,i-j}; // new C#7 local method syntax (if you don't have C#7, you can test this code with the line below instead)
            //z=0;System.Func<int[]>P=()=>new[]{i=z%W,j=z/W,-i,-j,i+j,j-i,-i-j,i-j}; // old lambda syntax (must pre-assign z to make static checker happy)
            int[]B=null; // our current bounds, initially null (must only call P() when on a #)
            for(z=H;z-->0;) // for each cell
                if(D[z]%7<1) // if this cell is #
                    for(B=B??P(), // init B when we first hit a #
                        k=8;k-->0;) // for each bound
                        if(B[k]<(q=P()[k]+1))B[k]=q; // update bound if necessary (add one so that we define the bound _outside_ the hashes)
            // z=-1
            for (;++z<H; // for each cell
                   C.Write(q>8?'o':D[z])) // print the cell (if q > 8, then we are on the bounds, otherwise, spit out whatever we were before)
                // check we are not 'outside' any of the bounds, and that we are 'on' atleast one of them
                for(q=k=8;k-->0;) // for each bound
                    q*=B[k]<P()[k]?0: // outside bound (q=0)
                        B[k]==P()[k]?2: // on bound (if q != 0, then q becomes > 8)
                        1; // inside (preserve q)